
This is the website for Alice Hayes, 28-year-old author, single mother, amateur historian, and walking ball of anxiety. If that’s what you were looking for, congratulations! You’re in the right place. If not, stick around for a little while, and maybe we could be friends.

I started writing stories when I learned how to hold a pen, and I haven’t stopped since. In 2014, I placed third in the World’s Best Story contest, and my debut novel, The Thread That Binds, was subsequently published, promoted, and sent on tour.

I am mother to the world’s sassiest six-year-old, Lillian, and the world’s sappiest hound dog, Baloo. Lillian is a bright, brilliant, quirky, bass-playing rock star; Baloo… He’s not the brightest or the prettiest-smelling, but he’s 65lbs of pure unconditional love. We all play this game together where were pretend I run the household – it’s cute. Almost as cute as that one time they locked me out of the house, semi-naked…

Having spent several years juggling a degree with work and solo parenting, in February of 2018 I graduated with a Bachelor’s in history. I plan to keep studying, once I’ve caught up on all the sleep I’ve missed. Until then, I’ll keep on doing what I’m currently doing: working full-time in a law office, writing daily, and teaching myself to play guitar.

You can read my blog posts here.

You can find me (mostly talking grunge music, rugby and British problems) on Twitter.

You can read my reviews on Goodreads.

You can see snapshots of my insane life on Instagram.

You can get a feel for what interests me on Pinterest, where I also have a research/inspiration board for The Fenian’s Daughter. Or, if you really want to know what I’m into – and if you appreciate both terrible music and wonderful puns – here’s my Spotify profile. (I’m particularly proud of my mellow playlist named ‘Calm Your Tits’.)

You can take a peek at when I attempted *cough* serious journalistic writing *cough* during my brief stint with The Powder Room.

You can watch my descent into madness as I write 50,000 words every November for NaNoWriMo.

Finally, you can (please?) buy my book and fund my “quit the day job, spend forever collecting history degrees like they’re fine wines” dream via Fastpencil and Amazon.

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